RETELEC SYSTEM will connect the installer with its innovative solutions at MATELEC 2022

– The Madrid brand will present its latest proposals for energy management and reference projects

–  Retelec System, the specialist in efficient solutions for energy management, will once again be present at Matelec 2022, the monographic fair dedicated to the electrical and electronics industry that will host, from November 15 to 18 at IFEMA Madrid, the entire potential of the sector, with the emphasis placed on the great challenges and opportunities it offers both for manufacturers of electrical equipment and for installation professionals.

In this sense, it will be a key event for RETELEC System, which confirms its commitment to putting the professional at the center of its experience, with the idea of ​showing them all its innovative capacity in the field of energy management and photovoltaic self-consumption projects. .​

At the RETELEC System corporate stand, visitors to the professional event, including engineers, installers and builders, will be able to learn first-hand about the latest technological developments of the Madrid company, among which the new references that the manufacturer has highlighted stand out. incorporated into its professional catalogs in 2022, such as the Croci series modular enclosure; or the Benefit series modular distribution boxes, for surface mounting and recessed.

With the focus on new technologies, which offer so many opportunities to professionals, the RETELEC stand will also exhibit its wide range of solar inverters, electric vehicle chargers and capacitor batteries.

Along with these solutions, the manufacturer will show at the electrical sector biennial its wide range of Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS), versatile, robust solutions with a wide range of powers for application in a wide variety of applications. “In a stage of energy instability like the current one, UPSs provide a guarantee of safe and clean energy, which provides support in case of network instability,” recalls Amador Valbuena, CEO of RETELEC System.

In addition, technical sessions will be held at the same stand on the most current topics such as photovoltaics or solutions for electric vehicles, the Smartmanager programs (monitoring of electrical panels and photovoltaic installations) and Openbim Retelec (program for generating electrical panels in 3D). We will also have the presence of Antoni Ruiz who will give us his vision of how the sector is currently.

The closeness with the professional is what leads RETELEC to participate in the different professional events related to the electrical sector, to which it has been providing its energy solutions for a decade. Thus, at MATELEC 2022, the leading firm will have a knowledge and technology space, connecting with installers and with a view to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energies, in line with current market demands.

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