Questions and answers


Here we show you some of the most frequently asked questions we receive.

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How do I power the X52DSX025X205 differential relay?

It is powered at 230V between contacts 20 and 21.

 It is located at the top right, next to the QR code.

  1. Motor characteristics (power, voltage, intensity, frequency, type of connection).

  2. Load characteristics (variable torque, constant torque).

  3. For what application it will be used: fluid movement (pump, compressor, fan), lifting (cranes, elevators, conveyor belt), machine tool (milling machine, lathe), etc.). If it is pumping. Is the pump submersible?

  4. Necessary speed requirements.

  5. Control method: Use of pressure transducers? Potentiometers?

  6. Distance from the motor to the drive.

  7. Environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.)

Operation and commissioning regarding tripping, alarm and reset are explained below:

-“ON” LED (green): Indicates that the relay is powered.

-“TRIP” led (red): When the “TRIP” led is on, it shows that the current through the toroidal has exceeded the programmed intensity during the programmed time. The trip contact has activated the differential relay and tripped the associated circuit breaker.

-“RESET” button: This button is used to reset the relay from a state in which it has tripped, if the conditions are suitable so that it does not trip again.

-“TEST” button: This button is used to check the operation of the trip contact.

NOTE: Be careful with the load connected to the output contact (TRIP1, TRIP2). If these contacts are pressed, after the delay time, the relay will trip and to reset it it will be necessary to press the “RESET” button.


Programming the trigger intensity values:

The trip current will be calibrated using the left rotary control of the relay, and the switches below them serve the following functions:

-Both “I∆nx0.1”: Regulation between 0.25mA up to 250mA

-First switch in “I∆nx1” (second in I∆nx0.1”): Regulation between 250mA up to 2.5A

-Second switch in “I∆nx10” (first in “I∆nx0.1”): Regulation between 2.5A and 25A


Trigger delay:

With the rotary control on the right, the relay trip delay time will be regulated, and it can be modified with the third switch:

-∆tx1: instantaneous up to 0.5s

-∆tx10: 0.2 up to 5s

Mode of operation on the trip contact:

Contact safety selection is selected with the fourth switch: “ND” (normal) – “NE” (positive)

Operation mode on reset:

With the fifth switch the relay reset operating mode will be selected. “Man” will maintain the reset of the relay strictly manually by pressing the RESET button, and “Auto” will allow automatic reset.

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Consult the manual. In section 3.4 Energy measurement. 

The counter operates through an intensity transformer. For this you will need to install the correct ratio.

For example: If you use a TI 100/5A.

1.- You will need to make sure CT2 (secondary) is set to 5.

2.- The TI ratio is 0020 (divide the primary by the secondary to know the ratio to enter).

(See the manual – section 4.5 TI)

All conductors of the load circuit (line + neutral), except for the ground cable, pass through the interior of the toroidal. Therefore, by determining the section of the 4 cables, the diameter of the appropriate toroidal can be calculated.